Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lesson Plan 6/1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
(Communication Skills, Social Development) *Theme related activities will be present during all center times*
The Reading center may include such activities as: themed books, Leap Frog Leap Pad books, and a listening center (books on tape). Writing center may include such activities as: tracing letter sheets, connect-the-letters alphabet pictures, stencil letters, and magnetic letters. Math center may include such activities as: writing numbers on dry erase boards, math flash cards, clock/time lessons, counting bears (sorting, counting, patters, etc.). Art center may include such activities as: theme related art projects, “Spin and Draw”, coloring pages, coloring pages, painting (finger, watercolors, utilization of non-traditional “paint brushes” such as cut vegetables), cutting and pasting.
Outdoor Play Skills
(Gross Motor Development, Social Skills)

Outside (or in the classroom during increment weather), we will work on muscle development, fine and gross motor skills, coordination, and honing social skills. We utilize the tricycles, climbing structures, and swing-set during outside time.
Circle Time
(Communication Skills, Literacy Development, Celebrating Diversity)
Circle time consists of greeting peers, singing songs, announcement of daily classroom helpers, the calendar, and the weather.
Music & Movement/ Creative Expression
(Gross Lesson Plan for the week of: May 31st -June 4th Theme: The Beach Lesson Plan for the week of: May 31st -June 4th Theme: Beach
Motor, Creative Expression)

No School

Sing: To the Beach

Sing: Take me out to the Ocean

Sing: Scoop up Sand

Sing: Waves at the Beach
Language Arts
(Cognitive, Literacy, and Fine Motor Development)

No School
Read: life under the ocean
Read: Sea Creatures
Read: Do pirates take Baths?
Read: Beach day
(Cognitive and Fine Motor Development)
No School
Paint beach picture with water paint and real sand
Color sea creature picture and glue on our paintings
Find sea shells in the sand
Beach party
Dress up in beach wear
Health/Safety Habits
…………… No School Washing hands *911 Look both ways Cover your cough