Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lesson Plan for the week of: June 14-18
Theme: Picnic and Father’s Day

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Language and Creative Arts Centers
(Creative Arts, Communication Skills, Social Development, Math, Science, Sensory) *Make a picnic basket (includes working on scissor skills and glue use)
*Alphabet puzzles
*Make individual picnic placemats using paint and blocks
*Leap Pad books *Make “Fancy Ants” out of peanuts
*Practice writing the words “Ant” and “Bug” *Make a picnic blanket for Friday’s picnic (hand and foot prints in paint on sheet)
*Magnet letters *Make Father’s Day cards
*Tracing letter sheets and write on/off mats
*AFTERNOON: Have a picnic (outside, weather permitting; otherwise inside)
Math/Science/Sensory Centers
(Cognitive and Fine Motor Development) * Tracing or writing numbers (based on ability) *Counting bears (sorting, patterns, counting, etc.) *Find and count the ants in the rice (some grains painted black)
*Plan and count squares for picnic placemats *Number puzzles
Outdoor Play Skills
(Gross Motor Development, Social Skills) Outside (or in the classroom during inclement weather), we will work on muscle development, fine and gross motor skills, coordination, and honing social skills. We utilize such equipment as tricycles, climbing structures, and swing-sets during outside time. On THURSDAYS we will have SPLASH DAY outside!

Circle Time
(Communication Skills, Literacy Development, Celebrating Diversity) *Calendar
*Weather/Season discussion
*Go over the schedule for the day
*Sing a song chosen by the “Song Helper” *Calendar
*Weather/Season discussion
*Go over the schedule for the day
*Sing a song chosen by the “Song Helper”
*Weather/Season discussion
*Go over the schedule for the day
*Sing a song chosen by the “Song Helper”
*SHOW-N-TELL in P.M. *Calendar
*Weather/Season discussion
*Go over the schedule for the day
*Sing a song chosen by the “Song Helper”
*Weather/Season discussion
*Go over the schedule
*Sing a song chosen by the “Song Helper”

Music & Movement/ Creative Expression
(Gross Motor, Creative Expression) Sing: “Picnic in the Park” and come up with our own variations *Sing: “Ants At The Picnic”
Sing and enact “The Picnic Basket (#1)”
*Sing and enact “The Ants Go Marching”
Sing and enact “The Picnic Basket (#2)

Language Arts
(Cognitive, Literacy, and Fine Motor Development)
Read “Baby Brown Bear’s Big Bellyache”
Read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”
“Going on a picnic” Memory game

Arthur: Buster avoids the Father’s Day picnic *Spanish*

Read “What Good Are Bugs?”
Read “Biscuit Loves Father’s Day”